Title * Select your title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Mx
First Name * Your first name
Last Name * Your last name
Company * Your company
Position * Your position
Mobile * Your mobile number (10 digits with no spaces)
Phone (Landline) Your landline phone number (10 digits with no spaces)
Fax Your fax phone number (10 digits with no spaces)
Email * Your business email
Website Your business website
Address Your postal address
Suburb Your postal suburb
State Select postal state VIC NSW QLD ACT NT WA SA TAS OTHER
Postcode Your postal postcode
Registered trading name Registered trading name
ACN Company ACN
ABN Company ABN
Membership Type * Select Membership Type Sole Trader Membership ($495.00) + GSTSME Membership ($1,795.00) + GSTCorporate Membership ($4,950.00) + GSTA/AA - Partner ($20,000.00) + GSTWomen in A/AA - Professional ($120.00) + GSTWomen in A/AA - Student ($77.00) + GSTNEXTGENNETWORK - Professional ($120.00) + GSTNEXTGENNETWORK - Student ($0.00) + GSTWomen in A/AA Sponsor ($14,500.00) + GST * Women in A/AA and NEXTGENNETWORK - If your employer is a corporate member, you could be eligible for a discount on your membership. Please contact A/AA for more details and discount code.
Discount Code Discount code
Password * Your password Password Strength:
Confirm Password * Confirm password
Industry * AirlineAirport authorityGeneral Aviation / RotaryAir traffic control Aerospace R&D Government Design & manufactureDefenceEducation institutesOther
How did you hear about us? * Select option Website Friend/Colleague Other If other, please specify
* I agree and acknowledge the terms & conditions outlined in A/AA's Privacy Policy. My submission of this form confirms that I have read and agreed with these terms & conditions.
APPLICANT STATEMENT Membership of Aviation/Aerospace Australia (the Association) is governed by the constitution. A copy of the Constitution is available at www.aviationaerospace.org.au or can be obtained by contacting the secretary at [email protected]. I have read and understand the constitution and agree, on behalf of the company I represent (if application) to pay an amount not exceeding $10 to defray such liability and expense of the association upon its winding up or dissolution as required by the constitution; to be bound by the constitution of the association; to pay the annual subscription as set by the association below for the association to make my business name and address available to relevant organisations, individuals and the associations website database at the discretion of the Association.
*New corporate members are required to be endorsed by current members, or please contact A/AA for an invitation.